Consultations on stains

Stubborn stains? Here are the best tips to get rid of them:

Filter by type of stain:

xProtein, albumin and food stains.

  • Blood
  • Vomit
  • Ice-cream
  • Egg
  • Milk and cream
  • All these stains can have a vegetable or animal origin.
  • Most commons are: blood, milk, eggs, ice-cream, etc.
  • If is not an old stain, it will be easily removed, treat stain with a little bit of water.
  • If we expose this stain to more than 45ºC while cleaning process, heat will accelerate the coagulation and will cause the stain to set.
  • It is possible to remove old blood stains with an enzyme-based stain remover.
  • It is advisable to have your garments and stains treated by a professional, come to Pressto Dry Cleaner’s for details.

+Tannin stains.

  • Coffee – tea
  • Wine
  • Fruit, fruit juices
  • Grass
  • Tobacco
  • These are stains with a vegetable origin.
  • It will not be difficult to remove if it is removed immediately.
  • These kind of stains, when they are recent, they are difficult to detect, but as time passes they tend to change tonality.
  • If stain is exposed to a very high temperature or to an alkaline process (with very aggressive detergents), it will accelerate this reaction (change of colour) and will cause stain to set in.
  • They can appear on garments that have been folded and store for a very long time without being worn.
  • They are easily removed with acid solutions, thus it is advisable to be treated by a professional, como to Pressto Dry Cleaner’s.

+Polymer or grease stains (synthetic origin)

  • Paint
  • Varnish, glue
  • Make-up
  • Tar, shoe polish
  • Ballpoint ink
  • Starch and sugars are found in food, they can easily removed with water without much difficulty.
  • When in contact with natural fibres, especially those with an animal origin (wool and silk), sugar can activate a chemical reaction causing a change of colour (yellow-brown). As a consequence, spotting process becomes more difficult.
  • If stain is exposed stain to high temperature (50ºC) this reaction (change of colour) will accelerate and the stain will sit in.
  • It is advisable to take certain garments to cleaning professionals so they can treat them in the proper way, come to Pressto Dry Cleaner’s.

+Specific stains

  • Acids (sulphuric acid, bacteria, etc.)
  • Alkali (caustic soda, soaps, etc…)
  • Colouring and dyes (fabrics fade or bleed)
  • Ink
  • Iodine
  • Merbromine
  • Perfume
  • Oxidant
  • Burn
  • These grease stains are organic solvent-soluble such as perchlorothylene. At the same time, ultrasonic treatment that is used at Pressto will remove all stains without any difficulty.
  • Greasy stains can become very smelly, so they need to be treated as soon as possible, avoiding yellowish stains and deterioration of fabrics.
  • Dyes or nail varnish usually attach to fabrics and it is very difficult to remove. So specific spotting agents need to be used and this is what we do at Pressto.
  • During cleaning process some pigments can stain and badly damage other garments. It is very important to treat these stains properly with an oxygen bleaching agent.
  • It is advisable to have your garments treated by a professional at Pressto Dry Cleaner’s.
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